August Desktop Calender + Got an Award!! yay!!  

Monday, August 3, 2009

Today.. 03rd August'09..
hmm rasanya belum terlambat untuk posting entry yang satu ni kan?!?!
Well, a new month, a new day right??
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!! :-)

Okay,, this is a little FREEbie - 'August desktop calendar' from Kenna
Thanks so much for this very cute August desktop kenna, it’s really nice!!

Wow! Wow! Wow! I got an Award!!

I am just so happy and excited and surprised!!

This award came from
a wonderfully n' very talented scrapper,, Emma (-kawan blogger baru qu ;')- )

Thanks for the nomination Emma ^_^

so,, i want to share this award also to :
k'watie , Ubaidina, diah-mama pasha , sHam, K'Aimi, @yankMira, Lidya

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