Cutest Baby Of The Planet 2009  

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nama : Naddim NaufaL Pasya Bin Abdul Rashid
Tarikh Lahir : 10/05/2007
Umur : 2thn 7bln

Salam All,,
Tadi bunda buat kunjungan balas ke blog kenkawan [tetiba plak rajin hari ni ☻]
Bunda terbaca salah satu entry kawan bloger yg ikut jadi peserta contest nih,,
Rasa teringin pulak nak join [1st time ikut contest sebegini.. hihi] Manalah tau pic Naddim blh diterima n blh menang ☻

Kalau mama2 diluar sana nk turut serta silalah join yer..!!

Nominate your baby NOW!!

Just follow the steps below and you could grab one of the wonderful prizes.

1. Get the best photo of your baby – ONE picture only!
2. Insert the photo on TOP of your entry. Mention his/her name and date of birth.
3. Write about this contest with title Cutest Baby of the Planet 2009
4. Include a link to this nomination page in your entry
5. Include a link to MomBloggersPlanet in your entry
6. Put the Cutest Baby of the Planet 2009 BANNER on your sidebar (where I can clearly see) with LINK to this page
7. Leave a comment here with link to your blog post (permalink)
8. Please note that the below link must be included:
9. Link to MomBloggersPlanet in entry:
Link to this nomination page in entry and banner:

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